Obtain Dual Citizenship

Obtain Dual Citizenship:

Key Factors Influencing to Obtain Your Italian Citizenship

How to obtain dual citizenship:  The journey to Italian citizenship varies based on several critical factors: whether you have Italian ancestry, are married to an Italian citizen, are already a citizen of the European Union, or neither have Italian descent nor EU citizenship. Each scenario presents a unique pathway with its own set of requirements and processes.

The journey to claim your Italian heritage is not just a legal process; it’s a rediscovery of your family’s past and a step towards a future rich with cultural and professional opportunities. At Agnoloni International Law/Notary Firm, we guide you through this intricate process, ensuring that your path to Italian citizenship is navigated with expertise and personal care.


Various Paths to Italian Citizenship

  1. Citizenship by Ancestry (e.g. bloodline):  one must demonstrate an unbroken lineage to an Italian ancestor.
  2. Citizenship by Marriage:  Non-Italian individuals married to Italian citizens can claim citizenship after two years of residency in Italy (one year with children) or three years abroad (18 months with children). Note that de facto relationships and same-sex civil unions with Italian citizens also provide a basis for citizenship claims.
  3. Long-term Residency:  Citizenship may be granted to non-EU foreigners residing legally in Italy for at least ten years, or EU citizens after four years. Stateless persons or refugees can apply after five years of legal residency.
  4. Article 9a – Ancestral Citizenship: A lesser-known route is available for foreigners with an Italian parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent, requiring at least three years of legal residency in Italy.