“Legale Agnoloni” assists banking institutes in Italy and abroad in all legal issues relative to financial services and protection of the investors.
The activity performed by the firm in this area includes the performance of consulting services for banks and financial institutions in relation to financing contracts, union loans, issuance of guarantees and the operation in the financial area, especially in the international one.
The help includes the editing and the negotiation of necessary documentation, drafting of opinions and elaboration of complex legal structures relative to a large range of banking and financial operations, realized in a partnership regime with our correspondents professionals in United Kingdom, Canada and United States of America. In particular, ZGML offers punctual assistance on our most important operations of sectors like national and international contracts relative to credit guarantees, credit letters, project operations and operations of securitization.
The firm assists its clients from the conceptual project till its definite outcome ,both in ordinary and extraordinary operations. Our work is aimed at the reporting and valuation of the aspect connected, not less the juridical and economical risks and the possibility of optimization.