“Legale Agnoloni” offers juridical assistance on all the aspects regarding real estate transactions that have as objects residential and/or commercial units in the Italian and foreign territory (American, British, Canadian and Spanish in particular).
The Firm guarantees a complete service assisting you from the beginning each step of the way that is necessary to the purchase or sale of a property and supporting the private investors and the companies in all their fiscal, commercial, financial matters relative to the real estate’s operations.
More exactly, ZGML offers assistance in the context of a wide range of real estate operations relative to the acquisition, the alienation and the lease of real estate for residential and/or commercial real estates, to the drafting of the contract, to the predisposition of the necessary documents for the mortgage lending, and obtaining licenses as building permits.
“Legale Agnoloni” in particular , offers consultation to all clients in all the phases of their activity, and provides all the documents and information that is necessary or could be useful for the positive ending of a transaction.
The firm has also gained remarkable experience in relation to the assistance and the representation of foreign clients who want to buy a second home in Italy, and on the other hand Italians who wish to buy a property abroad. In this frame “Legale Agnoloni” also has a role of real estate consultant for the purchase of real estate to make income from, without acting as an intermediate to the senses and the effects of article 1754 of the Civil Code.
Further activity in this area, ZGML ensures monitoring of the Italian properties market and the management of the contract negotiations, offering consultation for the purchase of real estate to make income from. The firm has also experience with the practice of real estate operations that see involved trust companies, foreign pension funds and international Trust organisms.
The purchase or sale of a property in Italy is not something to be done easily. It is important to take the correct first step in the difficult world of Italian real estate process. Our legal assistance for whom intend to buy or sell an Italian commercial or residential property will be complete through in particular the following steps: Due diligence service; Sale or purchase proposal; Preliminary agreement; Deed of sale; After the closing.